by Montalk 20 July 2004
from Montalk Website
Matrix-Reloaded explores freewill, fate, and causality, three
themes that may formulate the very basis of
existence. |
Causality is a phenomenon whereby one cause is the
effect of another.
axiom or assumption forms the foundation of orthodox physics; if all
causes are known, then theoretically all effects can be known and
predicted with absolute certainty. Causality cannot begin or end itself
because, by definition, in a purely linear system1 every cause is the effect of another
preceding it, a “causal chain” that extends forever into the
In truth, a causal chain is finite; it begins and ends with
choice. Freewill is the only true cause; all else is purely effect.
Thus, freewill is both beginning and end; causality merely mitigates and
facilitates freewill by creating consequence from choice. From a physics
standpoint, choice arises when indeterminate quantum states are made
definite by the wave-collapsing ability of consciousness 2. Nonlinear systems are sensitive enough
to translate quantum causes into classical effects, thereby allowing
consciousness to initiate linear causal chains extending into the
macroscopic world 3.
multiple choices, there is just causality. When you perceive only one
choice or one effect, you become a passive link in a causal chain
initiated by someone else. The more knowledge and understanding you have,
the more genuine choices you see, and the greater your role becomes as
cause rather than effect. It is lack of knowledge that places one under
the influence of causality.
You cannot change what you cannot see, because without
seeing you cannot choose.
Fate is the causal consequence of
choices made outside your realm of linear time. Because you do not see
your fate, you cannot – or more accurately, you do not—change it. So you
become a passive link in the chain of causality initiated by a hyperdimensional source. In
the case of fate, that source is your Higher Self, a greater aspect
of your being with whom you merge after physical death to review your
recent incarnation and plan another.
this planning phase, while merged with the Higher Self you choose the key
lessons and events that characterize your upcoming incarnation. Once
incarnated, the original choice to learn those lessons has already been
made. As the Oracle said in Matrix Reloaded, the point is to
understand why they were made and therefore learn the lessons prompted by
fated events.
But freewill is not subordinate to fate; quite to the
contrary, freewill is the ultimate of precondition of existence. Fate
merely orchestrates, while causality executes. Freewill does seem
subordinate when it is not applied, as in the case where one does not know
one’s fate and therefore makes no choice to alter it. But fate can be
changed if it is known.
In their proper places, fate decides what
lessons must be learned and why, while freewill decides how they are
learned and when. Alternate events can lead to the same lessons learned,
so it is not the mundane details of events that are ruled by fate, but
rather their core meanings. Because freewill decides the timing as well as
the qualitative nature of how lessons are learned, neither timing nor
quality of experiences is definite.
Things of a game are real only
within the game. Like any game, our reality exists because we consensually
create it by setting rules and limitations to define the nature of our
mutual interactions. In abstract terms, we place infinity in a box, thus
separating former inseparables into a structured reality composed of
individual elements obeying definite rules; mathematics as we know it
details our consensual restrictions upon infinity
4. All mathematical
equations include a hidden variable representing the potential
influence of freewill. Because freewill is absent in cases where rules
are followed, this variable often remains silent.
Nevertheless, it represents an exit from the game or
program, a choice to break the rules and become an
Because the mathematics of a game is accurate and real
only within the game, those who take choices delineated by its rules
become predictable and easily controlled by those who know the
mathematics, the why of an effect. It is this knowledge that allows
manipulators to see and therefore strategically deny others certain
choices; when denied the multiplicity of choice, people become passive
elements in the causal chain initiated by those with power.
you don’t see, controls you via causality.
To make a choice beyond
those given by the game, particularly the game of physical incarnation
ruled by linear time, one must have a connection to something beyond
its boundaries. This connection allows the introduction of
nonlinear variables in the equation of one’s behavior. What cannot be
predicted cannot be controlled; “to be predictable is to become
Examples of such connection include higher knowledge and
higher emotions, those originating from our Higher Self. Higher knowledge
allows one to see transcendent choices, while higher emotion helps one
intuitively feel their possible existence. Incidentally, both of these
arise from one’s connection with the Higher Self, the same aspect that
orchestrates fate. Because they share the same source, fate is
often associated with higher knowledge and higher emotion.
rare occasions we accomplish the impossible or improbable because we were
fated to do them, because we knew and felt that they must be regardless of
the rules of the game.
Choosing to attempt the impossible arises
from two processes:
Neo’s fated choice to save Trinity despite the impossible odds
demonstrates this perfectly:
he rationally knew that choosing the door on the right would
lead to the assured continued survival but enslavement of humanity, a
choice his predecessors foolishly made which he knew must be
he felt an irrational compulsion out of his love for Trinity to
risk everything and choose the door on the left, an emotion that
“opened him to unlimited possibilities” and allowed him to do
what the Architect with all his calculative perfection could not
Architect is a character who demonstrates the limits and fallacies of
deductive reasoning. Deductive reasoning starts with fundamental axioms
and deduces conclusions from them, attempting to know what is from what
ultimately is assumed. The problem is that these assumptions are rooted
within the game itself, thus they allow no deduction of possibilities
outside the game.
In contrast, reasoning via contradiction is
superior because it is easier to see what is not than to accurately know
what is. When choices within a game are eliminated as viable
possibilities, finite mathematics declares none are left; but in an
infinite universe where everything is possible, choices
external to the game must remain.
Every wall has at least two sides; what ends one domain begins
Truth is internally consistent, meaning it does not
contradict itself, so while deductive reasoning can mistakenly eliminate
the truth from its conclusions when one begins with false assumptions,
reasoning via contradiction always leaves truth as an option among its set
of non-contradicted possibilities. It is the irrational impulses of faith,
hope, and love that beckon us to explore these possibilities.
If we
take a choice based solely on reason, because calculations indicate it is
the least risky path to take with the most favorable outcome, we will
remain trapped within the game because we are automatically denying all
possibilities beyond those delineated by the game’s rules. Like delusional
mimes, we predict, pretend, and thus concretize our own limits. This works
well if one wishes to advance within the game, but more is needed to
evolve or expand in an orthogonal manner
5. True limits are to be tested, not manifested, though the
weak are never willing to take that risk.
what is risk?
Risk is the chance for failure, the chance
of encountering a limit. It is a relative quantity because it depends
on which goals one is attempting to reach, what limits one is testing, and
whether failure is even a possibility. Some only take mundane risks to
receive mundane rewards such as social attention, an adrenaline rush, or
professional promotion – rewards given because of the game or program.
Although they may seem like courageous risk takers, these individuals
tremble when faced with genuine risks that offer rewards given despite the
game, rewards actually worth acquiring.
Mundane risks are
distractions, while worthwhile risks offer learning lessons and expansion
for the soul. One’s soul and its inventory of lessons learned are the only
things that consistently survive physical death, therefore it is important
to prioritize which risks are worth taking.
Ironically, risks that
test the game’s limits are buffered by the influence of fate, thus they
tend to be the least risky of all. We are fated to test the game’s limits,
to make choices based on our knowledge of the past, objective awareness of
the present, and faith in the future.
have entered this physical reality to learn how to eventually transcend
it, to take risks by applying our freewill to learn fated lessons. When
placed in proper context, such risks have no chance for failure because
all paths potentially provide the needed lessons; on some chosen paths, we
can learn the easy way, others the hard way, but either way the same
lessons are ultimately learned; it is just a matter of time.
failure is not an option, stagnation is nevertheless possible when one
refuses to choose to learn; those preoccupied with the transitory
distractions of the program are wasting away their finite lives. They
encounter experiences meant to shake them loose from their hypnotic
trances, but choose to ignore them and therefore redundantly repeat the
same mistakes. As the Architect said, they are given the choice to refuse
the program but keep choosing to accept it.
Due to the influence of
fate, risks that the program deems most dangerous are actually the safest
risks of all. They are only dangerous to the program itself because such
risks allow individuals to escape its control. For example, the
institution of public education deems dropping out to be the most
dangerous risk to anyone wanting a successful career, and yet those with
the most successful careers are often ones who did not follow that
Those who trade liberty for security become enslaved;
they are sold on the idea of security as defined by the program, a
definition engineered to perpetuate control. To avoid the necessity of
making genuine choices and therefore taking risks, many give their
freewill to a surrogate “chooser”, thereby becoming a passive link in a
causal chain initiated by the “chooser”. A causal chain is ruled by
precise mathematics: one does “x” to effect “y”; there is no risk involved
when the outcome is certain, hence the illusion of security. Because
abdication of freewill is a precondition for participating in a causal
chain, the price of resultant security is enslavement.
security is found in taking worthwhile risks, ones that provide fated
lessons. Fate fully supports our endeavors to take such risks because we
have incarnated for that very purpose.
While the program ensures “safety” via causality, fate
ensures safety via synchronicity. The first
is illusion while the second is
Synchronicity is normally defined as a meaningful
coincidence, but its definition can be expanded. More generally,
synchronicity arises from a chain of causality that originates outside the
program. Because the program cannot see where the chain begins, where the
original cause resides, it deems the phenomenon acausal. In context of
fate, synchronicity is a causal chain that resides outside the program of
linear time and space, a.k.a. “physical reality”.
are whole packets of cause and effect spanning past, present, and
future that are instantly inserted into the timeline. Because every
synchronicity includes a definite series of cause and effect, it may be
easy to rationalize the phenomenon as mere coincidence by claiming
that synchronicity is simply a mundane product of mundane causes.
this logical fallacy cannot explain away the sheer improbability and
meaning behind the synchronicity, which arises from the fact that the
synchronicity and all its causal components are inserted as a whole
into the timeline.
Many think the future is variable due
to freewill; until we have chosen our next move the future remains open.
With a single application of freewill the distribution of possible futures
shifts as some are prevented while others are created. But what most do
not realize is that freewill doesn’t just affect the future, it can change
the past and present as well. For example, a synchronicity can be created
in direct response to a decision you make now, but tracing back the
synchronicity reveals it to be the culmination of a series of cause and
effect that may have started yesterday. Prior to making your present
choice, yesterday may have been different.
Linear time as we
know it is illusion. It is the finalized version of events recorded in
the memory function of our brains and the environment. Real time is
variable and selective, meaning causal chains from beginning to end can be
instantly inserted and removed at the command of freewill. It is our
cumulative recording of the “last” sequence of events that generates the
illusion of continuity. The intervals of time between elements of a linear
causal chain are imaginary; when the first domino is pushed, the last
might as well have already fallen. Time only increments in intervals
demarcated by freewill choices.
What you are reading now is the
finalized version of an article, which up to the point of completion I am
at liberty to edit. Between this sentence and the next, I might halt and
choose to revise earlier sections of the article, possibly inserting or
deleting entire paragraphs… but how would you possibly know? All you see
is the final product with no record of the actual sequence involved in
creating it. If you understand this, then you can understand the illusory
nature of linear time.
The present is a fulcrum between past and
future; a shift in the fulcrum will affect both. How we apply our freewill
now has consequences that can span both ways on the timeline. Effects
depend on the choice of cause, and individuals brainwashed by the program
see only the choices that cause strictly future effects, choices whose
consequences reinforce the illusion of linear time and the faux supremacy
of causality.
Making choices that affect the entire timeline
requires connections beyond the program, choices that comprise the
aforementioned worthwhile risks. They are transcendental choices
based on the rational knowledge that the program’s options are void, and
the “irrational” hope that greater possibilities must exist. Fated choices
are ones that seem right because they feel right and there is nothing
clearly wrong with them. They are not choices made because of limits, but
choices made in spite of them. They are not choices that obey the program,
but ones that are open to unlimited possibilities.
those who obey the program become prey to causality while
others choosing to transcend it are aided by
synchronicity. The acausal phenomenon of synchronicity ensures that
the program never succeeds in preventing individuals from choosing to
fulfill their destinies.
Higher Self can override any actions, laws, or limits endangering that
fulfillment because the program is never to undermine its purpose, which
is to indirectly assist and accelerate the spiritual evolution of physical
incarnates. Consequently, those taking fated risks need not search for
safety nets to catch them because failure is never a possibility in such
cases. All that is needed is the knowledge of which choices to avoid and
the desire to transcend the program’s limits.
then falls into place synchronistically.
Freewill is the
only universal constant - the rest is causality. Fate is simply
a type of causality that originates beyond the limits of linear time,
initiated by choices already made on a higher level of reality.
Morpheus said, “Everything begins with choice.”
Linear systems are straightforward in their behavior. The
output is directly related to the input. If the inputs of a system are
known, as well as the rules by which the system processes them, then
the output can be known. There is no mystery about how they function
or any quirkiness and unpredictability associated with
According to quantum mechanics,
everything is made of waves. Particles are actually waves spread out
among possible states of existence. Only when we measure or observe a
particle does its wave “collapse” into one possibility and one
observable manifestation. In truth, we are simply tuning into one
slice of the probability wave, choosing to experience one
manifestation of it.
Which state a wave collapses into is entirely unpredictable by
quantum mechanics because mathematics cannot predict the influence of
freewill. If something is predictable, then it has no choice of being
anything other than what is predicted, and therefore has no
Nonlinear systems are ones where output need not correspond to
input in a simple or direct manner. Often there is feedback involved
where part of the output gets fed into the input and creates
amplifying loops. According to chaos theory, the smallest triggers can
have the largest effects due to that amplifying characteristic.
A well-known example is the butterfly effect, where something
as small as a butterfly can trigger the formation of a hurricane due
to the sensitive nature of the atmosphere. How small can the smallest
trigger be? In some cases, it can be as small as a single quantum
process. Whether the wave of the particle collapses into one state or
the other is correspondingly amplified by the nonlinear system into a
large and observable output.
Because the collapse of a wave function is decided by
consciousness, nonlinear systems are a means through which
consciousness can influence the observable physical world. Our brains
are an example of such a system; whether a neuron fires or not could
ultimately depend on decisions made by the soul to think a certain
According to quantum mechanics, everything is made of waves.
Combining different waves in different proportions creates different
types of objects. A wave existing in free space (one
that is free from the influence of any external fields or forces)
is not quantized, meaning it does not take on certain limited
values. Such an amorphous wave consists of infinite possible values.
But when the wave is placed in a box called a “potential well”,
certain frequencies and probabilities are cut out. The wave then
assumes a discrete number of possible values, thus creating a definite
and distinguishable object. So “putting infinity in a box” means
creating our reality by imposing restrictions upon what is possible.
It is like forming a statue from a block of marble by chipping away
the stone to leave only what one wants, or like creating a board game
by setting up rules that determine what is not allowed within the
These rules can be described by mathematical equations, but
since such rules were ultimately agreed to or created by us, we are
free to break them if we know how. Therefore, all mathematical
equations are never absolute; because they are based on consensual
rules, such equations have exceptions.
“Orthogonal” means “at right angles.” An orthogonal expansion
implies expanding in a manner perpendicular to the old way of being.
It signifies a fundamental motion that isn’t just a continuation or
recombination of the old, but an entirely new way of doing things.